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OpenAI / GPT-3 OpenAI / GPT-3: https://openai.com/blog/openai-api/ OpenAI API We’re releasing an API for accessing new AI models developed by OpenAI. Unlike most AI systems which are designed for one use-case, the API today provides a general-purpose “text in, text out” interface, allowing users to try it on virtually any Engl openai.com 깃허브: https://github.com/openai OpenAI OpenAI has 103 repositories availab..
머신러닝/ 텐서플로우 기초 무료 강의 머신러닝: https://opentutorials.org/course/4548 머신러닝1 - 생활코딩 opentutorials.org 딥러닝/텐서플로우: https://opentutorials.org/module/4966 딥러닝+텐서플로우 1 이 수업은 머신러닝 야학 진도에 맞춰서 공개됩니다. 공개일정은 진도표를 참고해주세요. 머신러닝 야학은 온라인으로 머신러닝을 학습하는 무료학교입니다. 머신러닝을 시작하고 싶다면 8월 opentutorials.org
8개의 ML,AI 프로젝트 소개 https://towardsdatascience.com/8-ml-ai-projects-to-make-your-portfolio-stand-out-bfc5be94e0638 ML/AI Projects To Make Your Portfolio Stand OutInteresting project ideas with source code and reference articles, also attaching some research papers too.towardsdatascience.com
Tiny ML) 카메라모듈과 아두이노Ble sense 보드 https://blog.arduino.cc/2020/06/24/machine-vision-with-low-cost-camera-modules/Machine vision with low-cost camera modulesIf you’re interested in embedded machine learning (TinyML) on the Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense, you’ll have found a ton of on-board sensors — digital microphone, accelerometer, gyro, magnetometer, light, proximity, temperature, humidity and color — bublog.arduino.cc
텐서플로우.js) 스피치인식 사용례 https://livecodestream.dev/post/2020-06-23-speech-recognition-with-tensorflowjs/Speech Recognition with TensorFlow.jsWhen we usually talk about AI, deep learning, machine learning we automatically think of Python, R, or C++, but what about JavaScript? Well… turns out, one of the most popular libraries for machine learning in Python is available for JavaScript as well, livecodestream.dev
딥러닝 프레임워크) '파이토치' vs. '텐서플로우'··· 딥러닝 프레임워크 선택하기 '파이토치' vs. '텐서플로우'··· 딥러닝 프레임워크 선택하기: http://www.ciokorea.com/news/129667 '파이토치' vs. '텐서플로우'··· 딥러닝 프레임워크 선택하기 모든 회귀(regression) 또는 분류(classification) 문제를 꼭 딥 러닝(deep learning) 혹은 머신러닝으로 으로 풀어야 하는 것은 아니다. 분석적으로 또는 간단한 통계적 절차를 사용해 모델링할 수 있다. ⓒ www.ciokorea.com
ML) Machine Learning 연구실 Machine Learning 연구실: https://milab.handong.edu/talks Machine Intelligence Lab - Talks Oseok Hall #317A (or #312)Handong Global University558 Handong-ro, Pohang, South Korea 37554 sites.google.com
텐서플로우 dataset 과 텐서보드 https://www.kdnuggets.com/2020/06/tensorflow-modeling-pipeline-tensorflow-datasets-tensorboard.htmlA TensorFlow Modeling Pipeline Using TensorFlow Datasets and TensorBoard - KDnuggetsThis article investigates TensorFlow components for building a toolset to make modeling evaluation more efficient. Specifically, TensorFlow Datasets (TFDS) and TensorBoard (TB) can be quite helpful in this task.www...