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개발 관련 이야기/ESP32개발

ESP32 / 아두이노IDE) 듀얼코어, xTaskCreatePinnedToCore함수




ESP32 Dual Core with Arduino IDE | Random Nerd Tutorials

The ESP32 is dual core: it comes with 2 microprocessors. In this article we'll show you how to use both ESP32 cores using Arduino IDE by creating tasks.



=> In summary:

  • The ESP32 is dual core;
  • Arduino sketches run on core 1 by default;
  • To use core 0 you need to create tasks;
  • You can use the xTaskCreatePinnedToCore() function to pin a specific task to a specific core;
  • Using this method you can run two different tasks independently and simultaneously using the two cores.

'개발 관련 이야기 > ESP32개발' 카테고리의 다른 글

와이파이 무선USB 메모리, ESP8266  (0) 2020.07.26