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[simcorder] tinder like app, lecture and its site,



Automatic scroll down after message is sent

The series has been awesome ! Just asking , is there anyway when someone sends a message the page automatically scrolls down, because now when someone...



My issue: https://www.simcoder.com/forum/tinder/automatic-scroll-down-after-message-is-sent-2/


Automatic scroll down after message is sent

After I got your source project from the github, I setted up them and built and ran the tinder like app. Then, the problem is there anyway when som...


My issue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RagA8g9A5Qc&t=2s

프로젝트 다운로드: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B_OR19eaTokGVWIxYjRpeXNBUTg


tinder_tutorial - Google 드라이브

