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ESP32-CAM) wifi 카메라 (웹서버 이용) makejarvis.tistory.com/36 초간단 wifi 카메라 ESP32-CAM 사용하기 작년에 충동 구매한 부품들을 뒤적이다가 카메라 모듈을 찾게 되어서, 정리차원에서 간단 사용기를 적는다. 홈서버로 사용하는 라즈베리파이에 카메라를 연결하여 사용하려고도 해봤는데, 아�� makejarvis.tistory.com 깃허브: esp32-cam video-recorder github.com/espressif/esp32-camera espressif/esp32-camera Contribute to espressif/esp32-camera development by creating an account on GitHub. github.com github.com/jameszah/ESP32-CAM-Video-R..
openOCD 와 GDB openOCD 와 GDB: https://m.blog.naver.com/PostView.nhn?blogId=opusk&logNo=221031846594&proxyReferer=https:%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F OpenOCD 와 GDB Debugging 도구로 OpenOCD를 많이 사용하고는 합니다. 우선 무료이고, 다양한 디버깅 도구를 지원하기... blog.naver.com http://openocd.org/doc/html/GDB-and-OpenOCD.html http://openocd.org/doc/html/index.html https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38033130/how-to-use-the-gdb-gnu-debugger-and-openoc..
ESP32) Low-cost ESP32 In-circuit Debugging ESP32 - Low-cost ESP32 In-circuit Debugging: https://medium.com/@manuel.bl/low-cost-esp32-in-circuit-debugging-dbbee39e508b Low-cost ESP32 In-circuit Debugging ESP32 code can be debugged in-circuit — with an adapter for USD 8 and free software. Here is how… medium.com ESP32- introduction: https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp-idf/en/latest/esp32/get-started/index.html#step-5-start-a-project Ge..
esp32의 ota를 이용한 펌웨어업데이트 방법 https://hackaday.com/2020/06/23/ota-esp32-gui-makes-updates-simple/OTA ESP32 GUI Makes Updates SimpleOne of the disadvantages of having cheap WiFi-capable boards like those based on the ESP32 is that you have to update them. If you have even a few in every room of your house, it can be a pain to p…hackaday.com
리눅스 커널) “current” in Linux kernel code “current” in Linux kernel code "current" in Linux kernel code As I was going through the below chunk of Linux char driver code, I found the structure pointer current in printk. I want to know what structure the current is pointing to and its complete element... stackoverflow.com
RPI) Berry Boot 튜토리얼 - Easy Multi-Boot/ External SSD 부팅 지원 Berry Boot 튜토리얼 - Easy Multi-Boot/ External SSD 부팅 지원: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OU4mkuZwgeY&list=WL&index=14 Download Berry Boot Here: https://www.berryterminal.com/doku.php/berryboot BerryBoot v2.0 - bootloader / universal operating system installer [BerryTerminal] BerryBoot v2.0 - bootloader / universal operating system installer For people short on SD cards: Berryboot is a simple boot ..
리눅스 커널 5.8 버전 공개 "파일 20% 변경" 리눅스 커널 5.8 버전 공개 "파일 20% 변경" https://www.zdnet.co.kr/view/?no=20200617113727 리눅스 커널 5.8 버전 공개 "파일 20% 변경" 리누스 토발즈가 리눅스커널 5.8 버전을 배포했다. 그는 사상 최대규모의 업데이트라고 강조했다. 실제로 커널 파일의 20%가 변경됐다.​16일(현지시간) 리누스 토발즈는 리눅스 커널 5.8 버전을 �� www.zdnet.co.kr
윈도우10 이 동작하는 안드로이드폰 https://www.windowslatest.com/2020/06/19/windows-10-on-arm-project-for-phones-is-making-steady-progress/Windows 10 on ARM project for phones is making steady progressIn 2018, developers figured out how to get full Windows 10 running on a Lumia 950 and 950 XL. Last year, developers also started working on Windows 10 ARM port for flagship Android phones such as OnePlus 6, Galaxy S8 and Xiaomi Mi M..