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AI/ML ) MediaPipe 라고 ML-Kit과 유사한, https://mediapipe.dev/?fbclid=IwAR1HaPgwmRP2oHyfG66jeTNlcA-ZJJ_nTl3c6gd7ArzrH0Q5qX0WRQNFRgo MediaPipe Free and open source Available under Apache 2.0 with an ecosystem of reusable components Build once, deploy anywhere Same solution works across mobile (Android/iOS), desktop/server and the web End-to-end acceleration Fast ML inference and pre/post-processi mediapipe.dev
아두이노 나노33 BLE 보드는 왜 MbedOS에, https://blog.arduino.cc/2019/07/31/why-we-chose-to-build-the-arduino-nano-33-ble-core-on-mbed-os/Why we chose to build the Arduino Nano 33 BLE core on Mbed OSThis post is from Martino Facchin, who is in charge of the firmware development team at Arduino. Hopefully this is the first of a series of posts describing the inner workings of what we do. The new, shiny and tiny Nano 33 BLE and Nano 33 B..
Run VS Code on any machine anywhere and access it in the browser. Run VS Code on any machine anywhere and access it in the browser. https://coder.com/ Coder - Automate Away Development Environments Coder provides open-source tools and an enterprise platform that makes it easier than ever to configure, secure and scale development environments. coder.com 깃허브: https://github.com/cdr/code-server cdr/code-server VS Code in the browser. Contribute to cdr/code-serve..
AI 기능을 앱에서 사용해보자! 플러터 STT: https://pub.dev/packages/speech_to_text speech_to_text | Flutter Package A Flutter plugin that exposes device specific speech to text recognition capability. pub.dev 모바일을 위한 ML kit: https://developers.google.com/ml-kit ML Kit | Google Developers Machine learning for mobile developers developers.google.com https://www.tensorflow.org/ TensorFlow 모두를 위한 엔드 투 엔드 오픈소스 머신러닝 플랫폼입니다. 도구, 라이브러리,..
AI 코딩, 머신 프로그래밍 고도화 AI 코딩, 머신 프로그래밍 고도화 http://scimonitors.com/ai-%EC%BD%94%EB%94%A9-%EB%A8%B8%EC%8B%A0-%ED%94%84%EB%A1%9C%EA%B7%B8%EB%9E%98%EB%B0%8D-%EA%B3%A0%EB%8F%84%ED%99%94/ 사이언스모니터 Science Technology R&D AI Quantum Computer 4IR Data Journalism Platform scimonitors.com
(플러터) UI Design을 보고 소스를 얻을 수 있는 곳 (플러터) UI Design을 보고 소스를 얻을 수 있는 곳: https://codepen.io/topic/flutter/templates CodePen Topics codepen.io
파이썬 코딩 무료 강의 (기본편) - 6시간짜리 파이썬 코딩 무료 강의 (기본편) - 6시간짜리 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kWiCuklohdY [목차] (0:00) 0.Intro (0:38) 1-1.소개 (02:22) 1-2.환경설정 (07:26) 2-1.숫자 자료형 (11:42) 2-2.문자열 자료형 (13:08) 2-3.boolean 자료형 (15:05) 2-4.변수 (22:08) 2-5.주석 (23:57) 2-6.퀴즈 #1 (25:48) 3-1.연산자 (33:23) 3-2.간단한수식 (36:26) 3-3.숫자처리함수 (38:59) 3-4.랜덤함수 (44:11) 3-5.퀴즈 #2 (46:57) 4-1.문자열 (48:24) 4-2.슬라이싱 (55:09) 4-3.문자열처리함수 (1:00:56) 4-4.문자열포맷 (1:0..
How I Got Beta Access to OpenAI's GPT-3 API How I Got Beta Access to OpenAI's GPT-3 API https://www.reddit.com/r/GPT3/comments/i1u7w6/how_i_got_beta_access_to_openais_gpt3_api/ How I Got Beta Access to OpenAI's GPT-3 API Posted in r/GPT3 by u/bakztfuture • 6 points and 1 comment www.reddit.com