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플러터) Flutter Tensorflow Tutorial for Beginners Flutter Tensorflow Tutorial for Beginners morioh.com/p/5f05517a40a4?f=5c21fb01c16e2556b555ab32 Flutter Tensorflow Tutorial for Beginners In this Video you will learn how to build a tensorflow model on Techable Machine and then run it on flutter app. morioh.com
ROS) ROS + QT Creator 인스톨 방법 https://ros-qtc-plugin.readthedocs.io/en/latest/_source/How-to-Install-Users.html How to Install (Users) — ROS Qt Creator Plug-in documentation This wiki explains the procedure for installing the ROS Qt Creator Plug-in. Note If you primarily want to use this tool for development of other ROS packages (ie: not to work on the plugin itself), please follow the following instructions. ros-qtc-plugin..
플러터) 플러터 개발에 유용한 툴들 https://medium.com/flutter/new-tools-for-flutter-developers-built-in-flutter-a122cb4eec86New tools for Flutter developers, built in FlutterWhy we rebuilt Dart DevTools from scratch in Fluttermedium.com
플러터) 플러터에서 DeepLearning을 하려면??? https://www.facebook.com/groups/flutterkorea/permalink/803427130188822/ Jaehong Park Deep Learning을 위한 대표적인 프레임워크이 파이토치와 텐서플로우라고 알고 있습니다. 페북그룹도 하기 링크와 같이 각각 존재하는데요. 텐서플로우 그룹: https://www.facebook.com/groups/TensorFlowKR/?ref= www.facebook.com
리눅스) 리눅스 포털사이트 & No.1.Linux https://www.linux.co.kr/ 리눅스포털 www.linux.co.kr http://no1linux.org/ 가장 실용적인 데스크탑 운영체제, No1.Linux 2019 2020.05.22 15:00:13 2020.05.19 12:42:16 2020.05.19 12:36:49 2020.05.19 12:15:22 2020.05.12 10:39:56 no1linux.org
제스쳐인식) 제스쳐인식 관련 유튭 영상들 제스쳐인식 관련 유튭 영상들: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=gesture+recognition gesture recognition - YouTube www.youtube.com
AWS) low code/no code 툴, honeycode 출시 https://techcrunch.com/2020/06/24/aws-launches-amazon-honeycode-a-no-code-mobile-and-web-app-builder/AWS launches Amazon Honeycode, a no-code mobile and web app builder – TechCrunchAWS today announced the beta launch of Amazon Honeycode, a new, fully managed low-code/no-code development tool that aims to make it easy for anybody in a company to build their own applications. All of this, of cours..
Tiny ML) 카메라모듈과 아두이노Ble sense 보드 https://blog.arduino.cc/2020/06/24/machine-vision-with-low-cost-camera-modules/Machine vision with low-cost camera modulesIf you’re interested in embedded machine learning (TinyML) on the Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense, you’ll have found a ton of on-board sensors — digital microphone, accelerometer, gyro, magnetometer, light, proximity, temperature, humidity and color — bublog.arduino.cc