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플러터 웹) 플러터웹 에서 구글 어낼리틱스를 사용하려면 Flutter Web : Is it Firebase Analytics support in Flutter web application?: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/59409441/flutter-web-is-it-firebase-analytics-support-in-flutter-web-application Flutter Web : Is it Firebase Analytics support in Flutter web application? Can we implement Firebase Analytics in a Flutter Web application? If not, is there any other option? stackoverflow.com
EDA툴) KiCAD툴 사용기 그리고 장단점 (EDA툴) KiCAD툴 사용기 그리고 장단점: https://www.clien.net/service/board/use/15067989?od=T31&po=0&category=&groupCd= Kicad를 2-3주간 사용하면서 느낀점 (고양이사진有) : 클리앙 Kicad는 오픈소스 EDA프로그램입니다. 제가 Eagle을 사용해본적은 없지만 최근에 Kicad에서도 대놓고 Eagle과 비교하는 하는 모습이 보입니다. 이러한 점을 미뤄볼때에 취미나 이미 여러 EDA를 알고있�� www.clien.net
1달러도 안되는 MCU들 a short survey of sub $0.10 microcontrollers: 1달러도 안되는 MCU들 https://cpldcpu.wordpress.com/2019/08/12/the-terrible-3-cent-mcu/?fbclid=IwAR1eQJDRuWnd2zM6azQBifF0zdweOF-UuVlVH3T2bl9NfYnrgSBfG6ed94E The “terrible” 3 cent MCU – a short survey of sub $0.10 microcontrollers. Like many others, I was quite amazed to learn about a microcontroller sold for only 0.03 USD via the EEVblog last year. How was t..
(Appwrite) Secure Open-Source Backend Server Secure Open-Source Backend Server for Web, Mobile & Flutter Developers https://appwrite.io/ Appwrite - Open-Source End-to-End Backend Server Appwrite provides web and mobile developers with a set of easy-to-use and integrate REST APIs to manage their core backend needs. appwrite.io
Port of Arm® Mbed™ OS / CMSIS to GAP8/RISC-V Port of Arm® Mbed™ OS / CMSIS to GAP8/RISC-V https://greenwaves-technologies.com/manuals/BUILD/MBED-OS/html/index.html?fbclid=IwAR1BIkiKD6CGBTH8-acSINg7RHKpnebW17ZM10puE7V4fUUl3XEngAJIugY Arm® Mbed™ OS Porting Manual for GAP8 Introduction Arm® Mbed™ OS is an open source embedded operating system designed specifically for the "things" in the Internet of Things developed by Arm for the Cortex-M se..
안드로이드) 웹뷰, 3rd 파티앱, 그리고 크롬탭 https://medium.com/swlh/using-custom-chrome-tabs-in-your-android-app-b31e4f8f5194 Using Custom Chrome Tabs in your Android App Web Content in Android medium.com
셀프호스팅) nextCloud vs ownCloud 차이점 https://itsfoss.com/nextcloud-vs-owncloud/Nextcloud Vs ownCloud: What's the Difference?Nextcloud and ownCloud are two popular open source cloud storage software. Learn what is the difference between the two and which one should you use.itsfoss.com
esp32) esp8266, esp32 보드의 와이파이를 통한 펌웨어업로드 esp8266, esp32 보드의 와이파이를 통한 펌웨어업로드 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=10Y89xaVkqw